Friday, April 23, 2010

Week 4 flew by...

My goodness! Off book week was crazy stressful for myself. I can just about imagine what it was like for the actors;) But, much to everyone's dismay, it went without a hitch! Yes, there was stumbling, stammering, the couple exploitative remarks, the trying to convince me they "really suck" (which p.s. to all actors out there, that line doesn't even faze me anymore, I don't hear you/stop listening to you when you say this). But all in all, I am really starting to see a show:) And you can't go wrong there!
Despite the fact that I had to split my time between my real job and my want job, what I saw this week can be summed up in one word: crazygoodtime.
As I have said before, I am amazed at the talent of the cast, their ability to make me lose my spot in my book because they make me laugh so, and make me want to keep watching and not watch my book, is ridiculous. And could be the reason why I give out wrong lines, or skip ahead and can't find the proper spot when they do ask for lines.
So now, I am off to send line notes, yep, I am the evil person who does that:) And make sock puppets!
You can never go wrong with a show that involves sock puppets!

1 comment:

Nate said...

Those sock puppets are amazing, by the way!!!!