Friday, April 9, 2010

Week 2 Completed

In the midst of the season being announced and A Few Good Men auditions beginning, Bright Ideas is continuing rehearsals:)
Week 2 of Bright Ideas has brought a lot of fun to the rehearsal process. Blocking act 1 is out of the way, and act 2 is well underway. We are moving at a steady, well really, rather quick pace! Which can only indicate the awesomeness that is the cast of this show! Typically, during the rehearsal process, I am so focused on the technicalities of the process; the who moves where, and on which line sort of thing. But this week...well let's just saying I was really paying attention to character development this week, and nearly peed my pants on several occasions. Now, I realize the script is some pretty funny stuff, but the way in which the lines are delivered is all actor...and these actors are going balls out! And things can only keep going up, once the props, set, and costumes all come into play.
So here's to the week that was, and the week to come...perhaps I will bring extra clothes to rehearsals:)

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