Sunday, April 11, 2010


I am deep in the thick of memorizing lines for Bright Ideas, which reminds me of one of the most common questions I'm asked as an actor. "How do you memorize all that?" Is asked me more often than I can count. And I'm sure every actor has their own unique method that works for them. For me, repetition is everything. So I carry the script around like a security blanket. I often fall asleep on it at night (cause osmosis might work, right?) In short, I just look at the damn thing until I can see it with my eyes closed.

Wouldn't it be marvelous to have photographic memory? Then I could look at the script ONE TIME and be good to go. Wow, that would be sweet.

The more often I look at the script, however, the more I find in it. As often happens when you revisit a thing again and again, different things jump out at me or take on new significance; perhaps because of something that happened at rehearsal, or perhaps just because. So repetitious reading helps not only my memorization but also my character development.

Speaking of which, I am still mapping out my character's descent from normal but slightly anxiety stricken woman to ca-caw crazy psycho mom. It is delightful to look for the clues throughout the script that lead me down the path to complete madness. I will be sure to keep you informed of the progress. Meanwhile, I am abusing sock puppets. That's right. You heard me. If you want to know why, you'll just have to see the show, huh?

And if you have any sure fire ways for me to memorize a ton of lines by Thursday, shout em out.

The OCD Ninja (on reading 243 of Bright Ideas)

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