Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The grant is in and the show is going on

Hello my lovely readers, real or imagined. I'm happy to say that our MRAC grant proposal was submitted last week and unlike last year I didn't crawl in an utterly destroyed shell of a man. I entered the MRAC office with our proposal standing tall, confident, proud, and even feeling a little sexy in a grant writing kind of way.

Tonight is the first night of several nights of auditions for A Few Good Men. We have at least 4 Bahgillion people auditioning. There's a lot of excitement for this show in the local acting community and I'm certain that this excitement will be spreading over to the general populace like a pandemic of awesomeness as we approach opening night.

And then there's Bright Ideas, opening May 7th, which will be followed by you laughing your face off. I am currently doing research on the subject matter of the play which covers the mentality of many parents that feel the early formidable years of a child's life are not just important, they're almost a matter of life and death. Currently I'm reading the book Toilet Trained for Yale: Adventures in 21st-Century Parenting by Ralph Schoenstein and essentially what I'm getting out of it at this point is that I need to get my 1 year old enrolled in pre-calculus before the week is out. More on this as it develops in my mind.

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