When I first read this question, I thought, "Crap, I can never remember when we met and Ryan and I have had this conversation before!" But then, as I started to answer, I remembered! Magic!
We met at a group outing to see Triple Espresso, shortly after you saw me onstage in Debbie Does Dallas: The Musical. We hit it off because of my inappropriate sense of humor and love of reality TV.
Ah, yes...that seems so many years ago. You were hilarious in the "token lesbian scene" in that show! I just love to hear you laugh - it's what got me through way too many seasons full of annoying The Bachelor contestants. So, your list of acting credits is already sounding interesting - what else have we seen you in?
Well, I mostly do musicals, but have taken an involuntary hiatus. (a.k.a., Why don't you cast me? You know who you are.) Right before this I was in The Fresh Five with 20% Theater Company, playing an 8-year-old. In fact, most of my career has consisted of playing little girls and high schoolers. Little Sally in Urinetown, that little crazy murderer girl in Ruthless!, Gloria with a lisp in Summer of '42. Ya know...young nerds. That's what I'm good at. Young nerds.
Hush now, you're good at playing adults, too! And you finally get to play one - several adults, in fact. Do you have a favorite character of the multiple roles you play in Bright Ideas?
Well, I'm really loving Mom #2 right now, actually. She's a perfect blend of Blanche and Rose (from The Golden Girls). She has Blanche's southern accent and Rose's ditz factor. But my favorite might be Mrs. Heath in the opening scene. You'll have to come see it to find out why.
I think I have an idea, and I can't wait to see it! And it looks like the dream Josh Carson shared with me last week is coming true - The Golden Girls has been mentioned in every week's introduction so far. That must be the influence of Jimmy [LeDuc, Bright Ideas director].
He's pretty friggin' great, actually. I love his drawl and he is unabashedly his own person, no matter what. His insticts as a director are spot on. Every suggestion he's given has worked inside my dull, egotistical actor brain. So, he's brilliant, actually.
The only improvement I would suggest? If he were a little bit MORE of a Golden Girls fan, I think he would be an even better director.
OK, now you're just poking fun at my mutual love for The Golden Girls...or maybe you're just saying if Jimmy was as big a fan as me he'd be a better director. What does that mean for me? Never mind...this isn't about me! This is about you - do you want to tell me about your upcoming theater projects?
Nope. I got nothin'. I am, however, ramping up for the big musical audition season! I'm learning a new song. Rhymes with "Schmeverbody's Smirl".
Ooh! If my rhyming skills are still up to snuff, I think that may have been a suggestion from me. I can't wait for you to try it out! Perhaps you'll have to drop by and sing it for USP at our auditions for [title of show].
I'm super excited for Urban Samurai's next season. It's right up my alley. (That's what she said.)
Oh, you! This here column is a classy piece of real estate! (I can't even type that with a straight face.) It's like we're hanging out and watching TV and saying whatever comes to mind. That can only be done with a movie you've seen before and don't need to pay attention to - like one of those guilty pleasure movies from when we were younger, the kind you know you shouldn't like but will watch if it's on TV and puts a smile on your face. Is it awkward that my favorite would be The Craft starring a nutty Fairuza Balk and a scaly Neve Campbell? Please tell me I'm not alone in this!
Mine would have to be Teen Witch. With Robin Lively (what happened to her???), Zelda Rubenstein (R.I.P.), and that hunky dude that also played the jerk boyfriend in Son in Law. But there are so many others...like Mannequin (Andrew McCarthy, Kim Catrall, James Spader, Estelle Getty...SHUT UP) and She's Out of Control. (Tony Danza as an overprotective parent...what a stretch from Who's the Boss, eh?)
I don't know...was the name of his "character" Tony? Can he play anyone but himself? I haven't seen that one, and can't say that I care to, but I LOVE Mannequin. I think I asked my parents to rent that at least once a month. If only I had a Delorean and could go back and see what my parents said about me behind my back as a child. It's probably no different than what they say behind my back now.
But I need to stop making this about me! This is about Courtney...well, at least it was. It's over now, but I'm sure it made you want to know more. You'll just have to get your tickets for Bright Ideas, which are currently onsale at urbansamurai.org. And don't forget to check in next week when I introduce you to C. Ryan Shipley.
Until then, "I bind you, Nancy, from doing harm. Harm against other people and harm against yourself."
Ryan Grimes
Managing Director
Urban Samurai Productions
I'm flying!
"by the power of three times three, make them see make them see"... How awesome this interview is!
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