Sunday, April 25, 2010

Last Week of Rehearsal

Though there are two more weeks (give or take a day) until we open the show, there is really only one more week of actual rehearsing to be done. The last week is tech week, and that's much more about the technical delivery of the show than the content.

And so now I'm feeling the pressure, wondering where the time went, and getting really excited. It's a strange combo in my belly that could be mistaken for gas. I, however, know from experience that it is not. We've got some polishing to do, but I'm confident that the show is in a good place.

I know who else is feeling the pressure. The design team. While they've been planning the technical elements for weeks, sometimes months, the time has definitely come to put up or shut up. So there is some last minute scrambling, as there always is, because last minute saves are practically the definition of dramatic tension.

And we're dramatic folks.

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