Saturday, June 12, 2010

well it really isn't friday

hello all. in my mind it's friday. but in reality it's saturday. i have been scrambling the last two weeks to get all my time in at work. why would i scramble you ask? well, reason being, that i am heading out to vegas vegas vegas later this afternoon, and need to get all my work done, as the pay period ends whilst i'm away winning money and laying by the pool.
my project these last couple weeks have continued to be organizing the costume 'cage,' if you will. so far so good, although, i think there is far too much crap around. you see, i'm not what you would call a hoarder, or keeper of the memory makers. i like my life around me to be as simple as possible, and find that if i really haven't noticed something in, oh let's say a year or two, i really don't need to hold onto something. now don't get me wrong, i'm not that cold hearted. i do keep some important stuff, like things from my grandparents, and other what nots. but going through this costume cage is like taking the delorean back to the past. everything is extremely outdated, almost to the point of having to ask, will this really, really be used again, ever? my answer would be no. but if i were in charge, which i kind of am, the reasonable side would kick in and state, that you really never know.
therefore, i will just continue to organize and label until it is all put away in a neat and organized system...alphabetically of course. (not the actual costumes, just the prop costumes like animal headbands, scarves, and yarmulkes.)
ta ta for now, and if you haven't heard from me in awhile, i'm probably lost in the dust of the crap that is considered valuable to some...

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