It's old hat by now, but why break tradition? Why don't we start with your story of how we met.
We met while loading in for USP's original production of Protection Program. I had just moved to the Twin Cities and I was willing to whore myself out to any theatre company that would take what I was offering...and apparently my acting wasn't what USP wanted then. So, after only meeting the company members of USP at the audition of Protection Program, Matt, Aaron, and Nate kidnapped me and took me one hundred miles away, where my cell phone wasn't working, and for 17 hours I helped build your set. Days later, there you and I were fixing those walls to the ground and loading in costumes.
I totally forgot about your kidnapping! For the record, I was only an actor in that show - I wasn't yet a company member and bear no responsibility for your kidnapping. But I remember having a blast chatting you up during load-in. I didn't really know who you were or why you were there, but I thought you were fabulous.
But, I think we really became friends during our production of A Gaggle of Saints, where you and I played young Mormons in love. Which is where you won your Best Actor award and Matt [Greseth, USP Artistic Director] won an award for Best Director and I won everyone's respect...which is hard for a whore, but I really think Blanche in The Golden Girls won everyone's respect and I try to emulate her.
There it is. We did it! A Golden Girls reference in every interview! I loved doing A Gaggle of Saints with you, even if I messed up my lines now and then. We had a lot of lines to learn! And it wasn't all bad - how else would I have learned to not take Benadryl right before performing, no matter how bad one's allergies may be? Speaking of which, that was about this time of year, and here I am sniffling with watery eyes. Damned pollen! Whoops...getting off track again. (Is anyone surprised?) So...now that you've been in the Cities for a few years, in what theater would we have seen you in lately?
I have been lucky to have worked with some of the best theatre companies in town. With 20% Theatre Company Twin Cities, where I am a company and board member, I have been in The Naked I: Monologues from Beyond the Binary, Perfect Pie, and Hot 'n' Throbbing. I was lucky to work with USP in Touch, where I played a whore. And you, Mr. Grimes, dressed me as a whore. I was also in A Gaggle of Saints, as mentioned before, and Sense and Sensibility with The Cromulent Shakespeare Company. Bright Ideas has been my first full-length production in over a year, since I have spent the last year perfecting my craft at the airport as a customer service agent for Delta Airlines. THAT has proven to be my most challenging role yet.
Yeesh, I'd bet! I would totally try out multiple personalities if I worked for an airline. After all, what is the likelihood you'd see those people again? In fact, what a great way to rehearse for Bright Ideas, in which you play a multitude of characters. Do you have a favorite?
My favorite has to be Cate, a Southern know-it-all bitch of a mom, a little like Dorothy from The Golden Girls. I just wish I had Bea Arthur's height, like Marcia [Svaleson, Bright Ideas costar].
Don't sell yourself short (forgive the pun). You have your own...assets...that are put to good use in the show. But I don't want to spoil it for the audience! Bright Ideas reunites you with your good friend, [Bright Ideas director] Jimmy LeDuc, who I remember hearing a lot about while we were working together on A Gaggle of Saints. How long have you known each other?
I've known Jimmy LeDuc for almost seven years now. We met in Memphis, TN, where he had just finished directing an amazing production of Hedwig and the Angry Inch and was now trying to cast the lead role in Wit. Fortunately for me, he was looking for someone who didn't have a Southern accent, and I had only been in the South for three years and hadn't yet perfected the drawl, so he cast me. Since that production, he has gone off to grad school and only become a more confident and amazing director. And I cannot believe how lucky we are to have him in the Twin Cities! Yeah! I love Jimmy!
Down, girl. But I must confess, your enthusiasm is intoxicating and I'm so pumped to see Bright Ideas in its full form this weekend! Any other projects coming up afterward?
I hope so. Right now I'm learning to balance my roles of Mother, Wife, and CSA (Customer Service Agent). Theatre is, and will always be, a huge part of who I am. But I am no longer the Theatre Whore I used to be. Right now I have to pick every project I do very carefully. Fortunately, I have some really amazing directors that I have worked with that I will work with again; if they think of a role that might work for me, hopefully they will let me know to audition. Which is why I am working with Jimmy!!! Because he is awesome and I came out of semi-retirement for him. Right now I'm looking for small, meaty parts that let me perform AND be home a majority of the week. I love theatre, but I also love my family. They are pretty awesome!
You sound so happy...it makes me sick! Totally kidding. Having met your family, I can't say I blame you. Your girls are adorable, and your gorgeous husband never seems to have a shirt on when he answers the door. Not that I noticed, or anything...hey, look, a UFO! Speaking of aliens, I have to confess I've never seen ET. Any popular "must-see" movies you'd like to confess to not seeing?
Popular movies? I've seen them all! You haven't seen ET? What?! Do you have NO soul? I just watched that with my daughter, Sophia (named after Estelle Getty's character on The Golden Girls).
Are you for real? Or are you just trying to win the contest for most Golden Girls references in a single Tuesday Samurai interview?
No matter. I had a blast with Mykel and want to thank her, Marcia, Josh, Courtney, and Ryan for making my last five weeks of blog posts such a hilarious, Golden Girls-infused adventure!
Now that you've met the cast, it's time to see them in action. Bright Ideas opens this Friday! Get your tickets now at urbansamurai.org. All opening weekend (May 7-9) tickets are 2-for-1, and we'll be having an Ice Cream Social following the opening night performance, in honor of the spirit of Bright Ideas. I hope to see all of you there!
No shirts, no shoes, no ice cream. Unless you're Mykel's husband.
Ryan Grimes
Managing Director
Urban Samurai Productions
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