Friday, May 28, 2010

One week out...

Well, it has been one week since all shows have ended for me. Do I feel a sense of relief? Yes. Is my mind a little clearer? Yes. Can I sleep better at night? Double Yes! Do I have an urge to get started on another show? Nope. Not yet anyways. Even though the Urban Samurai season is one complete calendar year, versus school years that other companies tend to follow, we samuraites still take the summer a bit easier. Does this mean I'm off the hook for doing anything for the whole summer? Well, not exactly. I have already started brainstorming who I would like to bring on as crew, and trying to calculate how much time I will have to take on multiple roles for the show. See, I like to be as involved as possible, especially when I am stage managing a show, because then I feel I can be on top of everything. Not in an egotistical way at all. But in a way, that by doing more, I feel more connected to the show. I know the ins and outs and what that process was to get there. I enjoy that part of getting a show up and running. To know exactly where we started and then where we ended on opening night. It's fun for me!
So what will I do for the summer? Try to put together the most perfect production I have done yet, my wedding. And now I must end, and get ready to do something I never do for a off to a fitting. There's always a first time for everything!

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