Friday, May 14, 2010

Second show weekend

Our opening weekend went on without a hitch! Audiences just loved the show and I was so super proud of all the actors!! Especially for not breaking:) It just shows the professionalism of each of these actors. Considering they were cracking smiles or laughing at themselves or each other up until the final tech night, I was about 95% worried that someone was going to crack at some point, but I was completely wrong! Yay to the actors!
So now it's on to the second weekend, all my checklists are complete, more pasta has been made and balloons will be picked up! The stress level has far subsided now that everything is truly completed. Typically when a show opens I am already in rehearsals for another show, which means my focus has switched and even though I am nearly always on top of things, it just makes it that much harder to concentrate. But not this time! This time I get to sit back and enjoy this whole experience until the end!! And I hope you do as well!!

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