Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thoughts while brushing my teeth

The other night I was wondering around the house while brushing my teeth. That's quirky, but whatever. Whilst I was wandering a thought popped into my head that made me laugh, thus drooling toothpaste down my front. I'll wait while you picture that for a moment...

Okay. The thought was, "Huh. Bright Ideas is your first mom role." This is funny for several reasons. One, I'm not a mom, and therefore have no experience to draw from. That's fine, it's called acting. But any female actor will tell you, the 'mom role' means that you've reached a certain age. It's a threshold, such as the first time you get called 'm'am' instead of 'miss.' There's no going back after that. Oh sure, I'm playing a young mom, but still. The sentiment stands.
The best part about my first mom role is that I'm playing a psycho killer mom, which is not quite right, and not quite right things are my favorite.

The only thing that could possibly make it better is if I had an army of trained ninja monkeys. But I digress.

The other best part about my mom role is that is was given to me by the ridiculously marvelous Jimmy LeDuc, a southern gentlemen of excellent decorum and good looks. I will hopefully guest blog him here in the coming weeks. That is, unless the other blogging company members read my previous statement and think 'Damn! That's a good idea! I'll beat her to it.' and proceed to steal my idea. I'm warning those would be thought thieves, there will be a reckoning if this comes to pass.

Don't f@#* with me, I'm a f@#$'in ninja.

I do what I want.

Marcia (aka the Original Scandinavian Ninja)

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