Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday Samurai - Another Step in the Crescendo of Energy

Yes, I've been observing the last few rehearsals as assistant director of A Few Good Men and I already have a Matt Greseth gem to quote. It's just one indication of a great rehearsal process so far. This cast is so talented and is already working off book. After three rehearsals. That's nutso!

But we're taking a break from rehearsals tomorrow night for our first ever Urban Samurai FUNdraiser at Park Tavern Bowling & Entertainment Center in St. Louis Park. With bowling, door prizes, an exhibition bowling game, grand raffle prizes, and karaoke - not to mention fun times with USP friends and family - it's sure to be an event to remember. So you should come!

If you don't have it in your plans already, drop by tomorrow night and have an amazing time. $10 gets you through the doorway to FUNtown! Don't miss it!

Ryan Grimes
Managing Director
Urban Samurai Productions

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