Friday, August 6, 2010

Some Men and One Women

Well things are underway for A Few Good Men! And so far so good! Emails are a pouring out, getting conflicts, giving information, it never seems to end. It's crazy how it's less than a month before we start and I've already learned so much from the cast, and I haven't even met half of them! But nonetheless, it will be a good one! I am truly looking forward to meeting these fine actors and settling in for a show that I actually get to work on from start to finish, with virtually no interruptions!! This scenario has not happened, since, well, um, about 3 years ago. And I say boo to that. You become so distanced when you have to take off even one night. I hate that feeling that I missed so much...even though it may only have been one 3 hour rehearsal. But alas, as I said, this won't happen during the course of this show! And thank goodness, because working with a cast this large, keeping everything straight is the most important thing.
So cheers to us, getting the ball rolling and looking forward to the read-thru!

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