Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tuesday Samurai - The Wedding Cometh

The day we've all been waiting for, Nate and Shannon's wedding, is quickly approaching, and I'm in the middle of last-minute preparations to give the wedding a little Urban Samurai twist. What is it, you may ask? It's something I'm pretty good at, which means it involves office supplies...that's the only clue you're getting.

With the impending marriage of the giggly pair, we'll see a significant power shift in the ranks of the USP core company. We'll be evenly split between married and legally single folks, and you know what that means.

Start snapping your fingers, ladies, it's time for the gay boys to start dancing it out a la West Side Story.

OK, so there's really no power struggle, and our relationship statuses have absolutely nothing to do with how we run our theatre company.

But this will be the first wedding that can be credited to (or blamed on) Urban Samurai.

In other words, get ready for the stage debut of Shannon Kiley in a future USP production of Dinner With Friends.

Or...just buy me another drink. TIP IT!

Why I'm barely coherent when I write these blog posts is a mystery to us both. Check back next week, though, when I make a more serious attempt to muse on the theater scene in Vancouver, where I spent a glorious and patriotic Independence Day weekend where all Americans hope to find themselves on the 4th...Canada.

Ryan Grimes
Managing Director
Urban Samurai Productions

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