Monday, March 3, 2008

Good News!! + American Apathy Update

First, the good news...we made it into the Fringe Festival this year!! We will be performing a locally written show called Musical: The Musical. It is written by a gentleman from CSZ named Doug Neithercott and is extremely funny. It is a send up of musicals while at the same time being a pretty darn good musical in itself. It is crude, irreverent, and coy. It will be good times had by all! Stay tuned for further updates on that.

American Apathy is coming along nicely. We have our Set, costumes, and props all figured out for the most part. Since the theme of the play revolves around American consumerism, we decided to make the set fairly bare. The two main characters are overly materialistic and we thought it would play cool to have everything they interact with be nothing special. We are building cubes to represent much of the set and the props will be mostly two-dimensional and also built of wood. It should really help build the absurdity of the play. I think it is going to look cool and I can't wait for you all to see it.

Rehearsals began last night and we have a stellar cast. It stars two core members; Marcia and myself, and a regular to USP, Ryan Grimes. Also we have two new comers to the group; Melissa Bechthold and Tim Reddy. There is a lot of talent in this cast and I'm excited to work with all of them.

1 comment:

Papa Bruce said...

Guys - saw AA last night - not bad but I gotta say I think the script misfired here and there. Look - American women are not the evil ones consuming the sexual energies of their men and turning it all into the dross of buy, buy, buy. The women are working - two income households remember? They are desperate to keep health insurance in case hubby gets laid off. The guys are buying toys too or drugging or gambling it away. Mike Moore's point about military being the economic escape valve for families deserves echoing but the families are not uncaring - they are backed into corners. Try some compassion along with your anger.