So I have missed out on most of the summer of my responsibility to blog every Saturday. What can I say, I've been busy. I got married, am having a baby, and am in rehearsals for A Few Good Men.
What's that you say? When does that start? Well it starts soon!! On Friday September 24th at 7:30 this amazing production will be brought to the masses for the first time. Are going to be there to witness the birth of awesome? Are you going to be on the front lines to become a part of theater synergy unlike anything seen before? Or are you gonna come later and hear about it second hand like a loser? I knew you would be coming opening night :) You guys are so smart!!
Anyhoo, I'll be playing Lt. Jack Ross. You know, Keven Bacon. Of course, I am not playing the part like Kevin Bacon did. But I did shave my head for the part, which hasn't made the wife too happy.
So come see my newly shaved head and an amazing cast as we kick off this terrific production. We shall see you Friday...